Matrix approach to digitalization of management objects
Научная публикация
Журнал |
Journal of Modelling in Management
ISSN: 1746-5664
, E-ISSN: 1746-5672
Вых. Данные |
Год: 2024,
Том: 19,
Номер: 1,
Страницы: 119-144
: 26
Ключевые слова |
Management information systems; Management; Modeling; Supply chain management; Computing |
Авторы |
Tyapukhin Alexey Petrovich
Организации |
1 |
Orenburg Branch, Institute of Economics Russian Academy of Sciences Ural Branch
Информация о финансировании (1)
Министерство науки и высшего образования РФ
The purpose of article is to substantiate the matrix approach to digitalization of manage-ment objects based on identification of actual qualitative characteristics of these objects and it dichotomies, which allows determine the quantity and quality of main variants, as well as the interrelations between them.
Methods of classification and typology selected as study methods, and binary matrices used asthe tool to determine the main variants of management objects, assign binary codesto it and form ciphers of more complex management objects, depending on content of study tasks.
The main results of study include the classification of organization components; variants for choosing qualitative characteristics of chains components; adjusted content of methodology of qualitative research of management objects; sequences of “up” and “down” digitization of these objects; actual qualitative characteristics of e components of management objects and di-chotomies; variants of forming of ciphers of these objects.
The originality of study is confirmed by the substantiation of choice and use of actual qu-alitative characteristics of management objects and dichotomies, which allow obtain 2ˣ variants of these objects and assigning it binary ciphers processed using computer software for manage-ment activities.
The use of study results allows reduce the complexity of substantiating and making ma-nagerial decisions in organization and chains, to structure these decisions by management levels and positions, to reduce costs, time and lost profits for fulfilling orders of end consumers of products and/or services.Prerequisites created for optimizing the computer support of manage-ment activities and adjusting the content of software products related to description of manage-ment objects and methods of influencing to it by subject of management.